Hairline Cracks: The Sinister Silent Menace

Hairline Cracks: The Sinister Silent Menace

Concrete hairline cracks may seem insignificant, but they can indicate underlying structural issues. Here's why they're more sinister than you think:



Hairline cracks can mar the appearance of your concrete wall, leading to a weathered, ugly and old look. Additionally, they may exhibit white, salt like deposits-this is called efflorescence. This occurs when soluble salts, like lime or calcium hydroxide forms and this are transported to the surface of concrete, where they react with carbon dioxide from the air forming that familiar salt like deposits. This are very noticeable especially in darker colored walls.

Thermal / Seismic Stresses
Hairline cracks in concrete are common in regions like the Philippines which is prone to seismic activity with around twenty earthquakes daily (recorded by the Philippine Seismic Network). Over time, these movements and seismic activity can lead to water seepage through hairline cracks in walls.

The solution: Plug the cracks.
The Dynamic Duo in Waterproofing Protection

Preventing water seepage can be achieved using premium waterproofing products.

Universal AquaShield is a flexible cementitious coating compound designed to waterproof. Unlike traditional cement, it remains flexible and adheres well to old concrete surfaces, eliminating the need for roughening during re-plastering because of this Universal AquaShield not only excels in waterproofing vertical walls but also is superior in water ponding resistance.

Universal AquaGuard on the other hand, is an elastomeric product with crack-bridging properties. When concrete develops hairline cracks, traditional paint coatings may crack along with it, leaving openings for water to enter.  However, Universal AquaGuard remains flexible and stretches to form a bridge over the crack, effectively sealing it and preventing water entry. Used separately or together Universal AquaGuard & Universal AquaShield provide comprehensive waterproofing solutions to protect what matters; your home and family.



    • Princess Tolero on

      Very helpful.

    • Noel Dela Cruz on

      very informative

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